ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Raster Functions

The following tables summarize the functions available in Raster Reference and Image Manager, and their equivalents in Raster Manager. These tables let you correlate the old procedures for manipulating raster files with those in Raster Manager.

This table shows changes that will let raster reference users make a smooth transition to Raster Manager.

Raster Reference Raster Manager
Attach Same
Attach Fixed Uncheck the "Place Interactively" check box.
Preview Can be turned on or off in the Attach Raster Reference dialog.
Detach and Detach All Same. The key-in RASTER SILENT ON/OFF/TOGGLE still can be used to eliminate the modal dialog to confirm the deletion.
Reload Same
Save As Improved. Raster Manager allows sister files such as ESRI World files. Generally, in Raster Manager, Save As will attempt to save positioning information as well as the new raster file. You also have the option to resample the image, which applies any warping or resizing to the image.
Mirror Previously in the Tools menu, now available in he Raster Manager Edit menu. It is now dynamically applied.
Warp Moved (or added) from the Tools menu to the Edit menu. Available also in the Raster group of the Attach tab. It is now dynamically applied.
Attachment Settings Removed and replaced by the Properties dialog accessible by double-clicking on an image in the Raster Manager dialog.
Update Sequence There is now a Background / Design / Foreground plane managing display priority in the master model, while the rasters with a "referenced" status will still honor Update Sequence settings.

This table shows changes that will let Image Manager users make a smooth transition to Raster Manager.

Image Manager Raster Manager
New File No corresponding function
Open File If "Save and Attach Automatically" was set in Image Manager then Attach is the closest functionality. All images are now attached in type 90 raster reference attachments.
Close/Close All Similar to Detach/Detach All.
Save/Save As Now Save As.
Properties Removed and replaced by the Element Information dialog accessible by double-clicking on an image in the Raster Manager dialog.
Batch Conversion Identical, but is now also available by selecting Utilities > Image > Convert.
Print/Plot Integrated into ConstructSim Planner. Note that RTL "Plot On the Fly" is now accomplished as part of a ConstructSim Planner driver. Also, all IMXXX.PLT files are now obsolete.
Set Active Image This concept is obsolete and the function has been removed.
Front/Back Same
Images On/Off Display Control by view has been removed. Change the display using the View buttons in the Raster Manager dialog or through the Properties dialog.
Fit Image(s) Same
Tools Integrated into the product’s tools.
Help Integrated into the product’s help.